Clubs like the nature watch club recognized by AICTE for ecological initiatives, and the socially active iCare group conducting CSR activities, contribute significantly to student growth and community welfare. These activities have made Acharya clubs some of the best in the country.

Our Diverse Campus Clubs

  • Acharya Kannada Vedike
  • Acharya Film Forum
  • Art Club
  • Developer’s Club of Acharya
  • Dance Club
  • Literature Club
  • Motor Sports Club
  • Music Club
  • Nature Watch Club
  • Photography Club
  • Theatre Club

National Cadet Corps

The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is the student wing of the Indian Armed Forces, headquartered in New Delhi, operating through three wings: Army, Naval, and Air Wing, with 17 directorates across India. The NCC Coy at Acharya, established in 2012 under the 9th Kar battalion of Bangalore B group, is a premier NCC unit in the Karnataka and Goa Directorate. The institute actively contributes to the NCC and the nation, with cadets participating in prestigious events, including Republic Day Parades, and winning awards in various camps and competitions. Notably, our cadet, Lt. Sachin Nair, currently serves in the Indian Army. We organize annual NCC camps and engage in ISR activities to promote unity and discipline.